Storage Capabilities
WCS is capable of storing RCRA/TSCA Waste and Radioactive Waste, including Greater Than Class C (GTCC) LLRW, Transuranic Waste, Sealed Sources, and Byproduct Material. Covered storage is available in both the Container Storage Area with 37,500 cubic feet (275,000 gallon equivalent) of waste storage capacity, and the Bin Storage Area with 17,118 cubic feet of storage capacity.
- No time limit for certain radioactive and mixed waste
- Not to exceed 1,802,865 cubic feet at any time with the following building/area limitations:
- Up to 8,000 cubic feet in the Stabilization Building
- Up to 36,750 cubic feet in the Container Storage Building, including up to 5,000 “55-gallon drum equivalents” of untreated RCRA, exempt, and non-hazardous wastes
- Up to 87,480 cubic feet of low specific activity waste in each of the Bin Storage Units (BSU) 1-3 (BSU 2 and 3 are also referred to as the Container Storage Area) for a total of 262,440 cubic feet
- Up to 1,500,000 cubic feet of low specific activity waste (radioactive only, including 11e(2) byproduct material) on the 10-acre LSA Storage Pad