Disposal Capabilities

  • Current permit allows for safe disposal of 2,310,000 cubic yards of Land Disposal Restriction (LDR) compliant hazardous waste in the Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA) disposal cell.
  • Safe disposal in the RCRA cell of up to 129,000 cubic yards per year of low Class A LLW & LLMW.
  • Near-surface disposal in a designated landfill of 960,000 cubic yards of LLW and MLLW generated/owned by the federal government of which approximately 300,000 cubic yards is expected to be canister disposal and 660,000 cubic yards is expected to be non-canister (bulk) disposal in the Federal Waste Facility.
  • Near-surface disposal in a designated landfill of 333,000 cubic yards of LLW in the Texas Compact Waste Facility for the states of Texas and Vermont, LLW for disposal from outside of the Texas Compact is authorized by the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Commision.
  • Near-surface disposal in a designated landfill of 30,000 cubic yards of by-product material generated by the federal government and the commercial/private sector in the Byproduct disposal cell.
  • WCS has two distinct radioactive exemption processes for disposal in the RCRA cell: Exempt by Rule and an LAW exemption process. Both processes are regulated under 30 TAC 336.5(A) and (D). For any questions regarding these processes, please contact your customer service representative.