1. Texas Compact Waste Facility (CWF)
The CWF is owned and licensed by the State of Texas, operated by WCS, providing a solution to the immediate and long-term need for disposal of LLRW for Texas and Vermont as well as the 34 U.S. states that do not have access to a compact disposal facility.
The CWF accepts Class A, B and C low-level radioactive waste (LLRW).
2. Federal Waste Facility (FWF)
The FWF was constructed with the sole purpose of disposing of low-level radioactive waste that is the responsibility of the Federal Government as defined by the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Act, Amended.
The FWF accepts Class A, B and C low-level radioactive waste (LLRW) and mixed low-level radioactive waste (MLLRW).
3. Byproduct Facility
The existing waste that has been disposed of in the Byproduct Facility consists of uranium mill tailings that were shipped from the Department of Energy’s Fernald site, located outside of Cincinnati, Ohio during their cleanup activities.
The Byproduct Facility accepts 11.e(2) byproduct material including uranium metal products.
4. Hazardous/TSCA/Exempt Waste Facility
We have extensive authorizations and permits allowing the receipt, treatment and disposal of hazardous, TSCA and LLRW wastes. The TCEQ approved exemption process allows for the disposal of roughly 10% of the Class A limit in this disposal facility.
WCS’s Treatment Technologies include: Chemical Oxidation; Chemical Reduction; Deactivation; Neutralization; Stabilization; Controlled Reaction; Micro- and Macro-Encapsulation.
5. LSA Storage Pad
The LSA Storage Pad is an additional storage area with a 1,500,000 cubic feet license capacity.
6. Treatment and Storage
WCS’ Mixed-Waste Treatment Facility (MWTF) facility includes more than 20,000 square feet of treatment and staging area with an 85-cubed-yard capacity mixing pan. There is an isolated treatment room with an airlock and a dedicated ventilation system within the MWTF. Double containment is provided in this room as necessary, for treatment of high-dispersal waste. WCS also has covered storage available in both the Container Storage Area with 37,500 cubic feet (275,000 gallon equivalent) of waste storage capacity, and the Bin Storage Area with 17,118 cubic feet of storage capacity.
7. Administrative Building
WCS employs more than 100 people at their facilities in Andrews, TX. With a friendly team atmosphere, track record of dedication to workplace safety and a competitive benefits package, WCS has assembled a remarkable group of highly skilled individuals. WCS is always looking to add to our growing team of employees.
8. Rail Line and Rail Bulk Unloading Facilities
The WCS site has a four-and-a-half-mile rail loop around the facility that is coupled with our Bulk Off-loading facilities, allowing us to manage significant quantities of bulk packaged wastes (e.g.; gondola rail cars) from large decommissioning and cleanup projects.