Our Commitment
Waste Control Specialists provides the safest, most comprehensive, compliant, customer-friendly, and cost-effective treatment, storage and disposal of radioactive waste for the U.S. nuclear market.
Site Overview
Located on a 600-ft. thick nearly impermeable red-bed clay formation, the Waste Control Specialists (WCS) site ensures safe and permanent disposal of radioactive waste by taking advantage of this unique natural barrier. WCS:
- Operates a licensed 1,338-acre facility located on our ~14,000-acre site in western Andrews County, Texas.
- Provides a one-stop location for treatment, storage and disposal of low-level radioactive waste (LLRW) and mixed low-level radioactive waste.
- Provides a long-term solution for the nation’s commercial and government radioactive waste generators, including nuclear power plants, fuel cycle and industrial facilities, hospitals, research centers, and the U.S. Department of Energy.
- Offers a unique capability as the only commercial facility in the United States licensed to dispose of Class A, B and C LLRW.