By Sam Kaufman
February 7, 2021 — Andrews County News
A new radio console for Eunice emergency responders made possible through Waste Control Specialists will improve emergency communications throughout the region.
WCS’ monetary donation to the City of Eunice will allow the purchase of the new radio console for law enforcement and fire departments.
The new equipment will provide improved communication between Eunice with Andrews responders, according to WCS Vice President of Initiatives and Communications Elicia Sanchez.
“This is beneficial to Andrews because previously the sheriff and his deputies weren’t able to communicate with Eunice when they were working on an issue together that crossed state lines,” Sanchez explained. “It also allows for much better communications between WCS and Eunice first responders in the event of an emergency.”
WCS recently announced the $25,000 donation to the Eunice police and fire departments, according to a press release.
The equipment will improve emergency communications through the region, the press release adds.
“The old system was outdated and had been causing communication issues between emergency responders in Lea County and West Texas,” officials said. “Emergency responders in the area often respond to scenes across state lines, so the new radio also opens a line of communication with Andrews emergency responders as well as the WCS response team.”
Those with the Eunice Police Department said they were grateful for WCS’ gesture.
It will definitely enhance operations.
“I would like to thank WCS for their generous contribution,” Eunice Police Chief Casey Arcidez said. “WCS along with Urenco USA worked in unison to provide the needed funds to get this radio console project completed.
“With communications being paramount to safety for emergency responders, this tool not only benefits the residents of Eunice and Lea County in New Mexico but also those living in West Texas and Andrews,” he added.
Andrews County Sheriff Rusty Stewart commended WCS for its strong relationship with area communities.
“The donation made by WCS to Eunice for new radio equipment shows the great partnership WCS has with all the surrounding communities,” Stewart noted. “This is a great step in coordinating emergency responses with Eunice. WCS has always been there to support our local first responders.”